Intergeneration Project

Bridging the Generation Gap, November 2011

We are particularly proud of this project, having been a winner of the first Awards for All Ages, announced at a special event in the House of Lords. A full overview of the project can be found in the attached case study and brochure:

Intergeneration Workshops Case Study.pdf        Awards for All Ages 2011 Winners

Beth Johnson Foundation Press Release, 2011

Over the last few months Cheshire Peaks & Plains Housing Trust has been working with Macclesfield College and Hurdsfield Primary School to try and bridge the generation gap.

The project began when staff from the Trust, with the help of Macclesfield College students, delivered a number of workshops at the Hurdsfield Primary School. These sessions encouraged the children to engage with learning through interaction and creativity. The children had so much fun they didn’t realise they were learning at the same time!

During one session the children met with people from the older generation. At first they were very hesitant, but after a few minutes the conversations were flowing, with many interesting and funny topics discussed. More importantly, the stereotypical perceptions from both generations were broken down, and each generation saw one another in a different and positive light.

Following the workshops the Macclesfield College students began to prepare two art exhibitions on the theme of the generation gap. They created professional art pieces using some of the work created by the school children.

In February the art exhibitions took place, including one at the Trust’s Ropewalks office. The exhibitions were a real success; with a great turnout and positive feedback from all who came.

Kirsty Fox, Resident Involvement Assistant says “Throughout this project the Macclesfield College students have been excellent. During the workshops at the primary school the students shone, even though they had never worked with children before. I am really proud of all the students who took part, they have really shown that the stereotypical view of young people isn’t accurate and they will all go a long way in life. Well done!”

Annie Ashton, Macclesfield College Lecturer adds “This has been an invaluable experience for the students working with Cheshire Peaks & Plains. It was touch and go at the end as to whether everything would be done but the students were never in doubt. They all worked really hard and were great on the night.”