Our ‘Confidence Through Drama’ programme was initially intended to be a small scale, one off, drama activity for fourteen service users with a range of learning disabilities.
We’re so proud to say that this programme has gone from strength to strength, and the outcomes achieved by our learners are inspiring!
- The programme is now being delivered to several groups; each developed and delivered in a bespoke way to meet their individual needs
- Our learners have created over 10 unique shows, with even more being developed as we speak
- We have forged incredible links with several local primary schools, who year on year request to be involved in the shows
- The engagement with the schools has broken down intergenerational and disability barriers; building a united community
- Hundreds of community members, from areas of high deprivation, have attended the shows to support and celebrate the learning disability community and schools
- Volunteering opportunities have supported local community members and college students to develop an array of skills
- Young people from NCS volunteered with us for a day, and continued to develop a disability campaign in response
- Staff development – engaging learners through performance
- And most importantly the successes we see each day, achieved by our learners!
Many of those who have accessed this programme lacked confidence, ran the risk of isolation and discrimination. Learners who were once unwilling to participate, now dance on every occasion. Those anxious of new people, are now the first to greet others.
The key to this programme… learners are given a voice, their ideas valued, their personalities celebrated, and the provision of new skills; developing their confidence to engage with their community. The shows, developed entirely by the groups, are merely a by-product.
‘Each show is never about achieving perfection. The shows are made perfect by the groups enjoyment.
The shows themselves are truly powerful, e.g. adults with learning difficulties, primary school children, college students and audience members, signing in unison, alongside a projected film of the shows development.’
(A special thanks to Rev. Mike Bridgewater for his kind words)